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Did you know there has been poltical intrigue and games both within and outside of the family throughout history? Yes!

Traps and dirty moves to gain positions in the family council. Gor is not for the faint of heart. Honor above all else. Fire, blood, gold.

You'll come to know love. You'll crave power.







PATRIARCH: Currently occupied by Maximilius Forstander. He is the father of the main bloodline; the Forstanders. Along with his Companion Aurelia, he founded the political house in Turia and expanded its influence through Companionship of their sons and daughters, establishing treaties throughout Gor during the war with the Wagon Peoples. In time more Houses were added or rebuilt into the clan. Today it stands as a far-reaching family. He has the FINAL word and overriding power over all decisions of members of the family council. This constitutes disownments, punishments, relocations, monetary situations and companionships. He only intervenes when it is extremely necessary. At this time Max travels, a lot and delegates family administration to the family council and its leaders.


MATRIARCH: Formerly occupied by Aurelia Khalegan Forstander. She was the mother of the main bloodline; the Forstanders. Along with her Companion Max, she founded the political house in Turia and expanded its influence through Companionship of their sons and daughters, establishing treaties throughout Gor during the war with the Wagon Peoples. Historically after their dissolution, Aurelia was not required to be Companioned to Max to maintain her political position and the rights of her title in the family council. She always had a vote and preceded over most matters until her last day. After her death, the role of Matriarch was closed. However, it is possible this political role may be bestowed upon an heiress from the main bloodline at the expense of the family council in the future.


PLENIPOTENTIARY: Currently occupied by Alexandrius Forstander. The role of plenipotentiary is a rather tricky position. It is only reserved for males and legitimately direct sons of the male who holds the title of Patriarch of the Great House. Due to the fact the Lady Forstander often has more power than the plenipotentiary, this role is overridden by the Lady Forstander at the discretion of the Patriarch. However, there are instances where decisions of the plenipotentiary can overrule the Lady Forstander or certain unspecified decisions of Conjugal Leaders at the discretion of the family council.


LADY FORSTANDER: Currently occupied by Victoria Forstander. It is just below the Matriarch and conserves all of the power regarded to the Matriarch in the decision-making process of the family council. She is the main advisor to the Patriarch and his voice. She can summon both Legatee and Conjugal Leaders for meetings at a moment’s notice to discuss disputes and family matters that require immediate attention. She has the right to a vote in the family council. The creation of this role was the last wish of Aurelia Forstander and it will be honored.


HOUSE LEGATEE LEADER(S): A legate is an heir or successor. It is every single son of any blood-related member of the Great House. These men can come from any of the Minor Houses who are blood-related to the Forstanders. They are the legacy of the Heads of these Houses and therefore, possess a vote on the family council. This right is never lost even if the parents of the legatee dissolve the Companionship that united both families. From the past or the present; legatees are the fruit of companionships and alliances, the substance of the family council and key to the future. A legatee of the Great House always remains a legatee, regardless of any future foreign family ties.


CONJUGAL LEADER(S): Upon contract of Companionship the conjugal house becomes a political ally of the House of Forstander and by default, a Minor House. Along with Max, a Free Man who companions a Free Woman of any Forstander related house, becomes then a conjugal leader and a member of the family council. These leaders have a vote on the family council, their main goal should be to look after the safety and protection of all the members of the Great House, especially unaccompanied Free Women. In a case of emergencies, the conjugates meet to make drastic decisions when it comes to relocation and punishments with or without the Patriarch. Disownments with or without the Patriarch.

Conjugates operate by cumulative vote. The majority of votes are to be respected by the Lady Forstander and Plenipotentiary, who shall be present during the meetings. Conjugates may even still vote without having their side of the family follow Forstander Law.



Upon dissolution of Companionship, the conjugal leader loses the right to vote and any power in the Great Political House. This is the moment when his family separates from the rest of the Great House. However, the Patriarch or other higher family leaders may create exceptions in certain cases at their discretion. For example, in the case of Albus Hotarius Regulus, he was permitted to remain in the Great House family council after his Companion, Talaena Forstander passed away. He promised to protect the Forstander Free Women in the City of Ar in return. You see?…interests…politics…







TREASURER(S): A member of the family or members appointed to administer or manage the central financial assets, banks, estates and liabilities of the family. The role can only be occupied by blood kin, from any blood-related house of the Forstanders. This role is advisably to be occupied by Merchants or scribes experienced in accounting.



RECORD KEEPER(S): Alike a City, Port or Isle, the Great House and all its Minor Houses possess a family Library in the Palace of the Three Moons. Their main goal is to collect, preserve and maintain as many family related documents as possible. Within the Library everyone is able to come and see any publically available documents or request access to private documents. Family Record Keepers strive to collect as many documents as possible. Please help them!



SCHOLAR(S): A member of the family or members appointed to train, teach and raise the children of the families within the Great House. These are topic and Caste knowledge specialists and the role can be occupied by both kith and kin and it could promise a salary. This role can be occupied by a person of the five High Castes or the Merchants.



AMBASSADOR/DIPLOMAT(S): All Ambassadors, represent the family in diplomatic dealings with other families, regions, and cities and report to the family council.  The diplomats must have an extensive knowledge of the laws and customs of the family, including laws of cities and regions the family lives in or travels to. The diplomats must be of a calm and stable demeanor, with the ability to persuade others with his/her words. A good diplomat believes there is no problem that cannot be solved by negotiation.



The specific duties include but are not limited to:


1. Advising the family council of events in other cities that can affect the family.

2. The mediating conflict between family members and between family and other citizens.

3.  Negotiating for the release of the family held prisoner by others, other cities.

4. Works in consultation with the Advocates.

5. Draft Safe Passage agreements for the family with other cities, along with Ambassadors or Embassy members of that region.

Other specific duties are assigned by the family council as needed.




ADVOCATE/MAGISTRATE(S): Family advocates who will settle disputes over matters of family law and matters dealing with city law IF GIVEN PERMISSION by the court officials of the city.



1. Settle disputes over slave ownership for the family.

2. Settle cases involving challenges to the enslavement of Forstander related FW.

3. Hear matters of debt with the power to impose enslavement on a family debtor.

4. Represent the family in legal proceedings, trials, if permitted by courts of the city.

5. In charge of assisting with or completing most family legal documents.

6. Conduct Free Companionships at family member’s requests.

Other specific duties are assigned by the family council as needed.



Enacted by:

Maximilius Forstander

Patriarch of the Great Political House of Forstander



HoF Theme Song #2 - Fahir Atakoğlu
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