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1.      For each member to provide and be provided with high quality role-play, free of OOC drama.


2.      Where EVERYONE is aware of the difference between IC drama and OOC drama. Where everyone knows how to professionally handle each, to promote our roleplay and to promote our group as a community.


3.      Rich in philosophical and fictional debate that adheres to being OOC polite and respectful towards other roleplayers.


4.      To foster a close-knit family community that also provides ongoing education and involvement of those both old and new to the experience of role-playing in Gor and Second Life.


5.      To teach and learn from one another about the ways of Gor in its many aspects according to John Norman’s BTB Gor where fellowship and honor are the cornerstones of day-to-day life.


6.      To uphold quality before quantity.


7.      We are legitimately known to remove members who fail to uphold these principles.


8.      Roleplay is a team sport that only persists when people who think alike come to SL Gor to strive for one mission: to provide the best political roleplay, challenge our limits, develop our characters and our family every second of the game.


Apply to all the family groups. You will notice almost the same mods and ooc admins in most of the groups.


Group OOC Admins

Victoria Forstander (Evavalentino Resident) LEAD

Gavel (Tippytopdrop Resident)

Group OOC Moderators

Cindarae (Cindarae Resident)

Faena Forstander (ooflameoo Resident)

Interactions in all group chats are OOC. Acting as a Free or slave while in Out of Character you’re your choice. Please do not roleplay in the OOC chat.



a.       Notices are OOC unless the notice states it contains a form of proper RP on the notice box or an attached notecard. No info shared through notices is to be used IC unless it contains preliminary RP where all can participate, i.e a letter, sending a messenger, traveling RP or IC news. Consult a group OOC moderator for exceptions.


b.      Please learn what is happening In Character through roleplay. Read carefully and emote (using /me for action and " " for speech) in order to minimize confusion between speech and emotes when you are sending a notice. If a special circumstance allows (For example: Messaging a Physician the extent of damage done to an injury for In Character roleplay).


We also have an Out of Character chit chat group in skype. Contact Victoria if you would like to join. It’s fun and everyone is able to communicate and relax, share if they are unable to log on a certain time or date. It keeps us in touch.




CONDUCT: Treat every role-player with Out of Character respect regardless of their actions or differences in interpretation of Gor. Take responsibility for your actions, your role-play, and the enjoyment of those around you. Role-play is a team sport.


GREET WITH ROLEPLAY: Do not walk past people on your sim. Do not ignore them. If for any reason you can NOT RP with someone, please make sure someone else on your sim CAN come greet the person if he or she is a visitor (ask in your sim group chat), and IM the person saying that you are busy. It takes two seconds to say, “Hey please excuse me, I need to do something, but welcome to the sim!”


TOLERANCE: Never get insulting, snotty, snarky, rude, or start cursing anyone Out of Character or in IM. There is no reason why we cannot be civil, even to jerks. If the other person is being obnoxious, notecard it and send it to an admin or mod of your sim. Do not ask a mod to intervene in a topic where you got nasty Out of Character or in IM with another person and don’t be surprised if THEY contact a mod if you are. Group chats are NOT the place to be airing grievances or starting any conflict.


SEPARATION: Whatever happens to your character in RP is not something that is happening to the real you behind the screen. If you feel Out of Character angry or irritated about any scene or roleplay then please do not engage or get involved. Remove yourself from the scene and go relax. You can speak to a Moderator about it if you need to vent but we are not babysitters. You will find adult Gorean roleplay in BTB that is not always tolerated by all. We all have emotions but we MUST keep In Character and Out of Character separated. They are not the same. Please do not burst out on the family group chat if you are mad about any RP. Do not spam a person's IMs either. Simply contact one of our Mods or a Mod from your sim. AND GO RELAX.


Roleplay is a team sport that only persists when people who think alike come to SL Gor to share the same dream: to provide the best political roleplay, challenge our limits, and develop our characters and our family every second of the game.


PATIENCE: There will be those who are new to Gor, role-play or Second Life. Make some effort to look at their profile and see if they appear to be new or ask them if they are new. If so, then give them some extra patience and leniency, or even offer assistance if they ask you for it. Allow everyone who is part of an ongoing scene a chance to post. Some are slow typists, it depends on their RP style. Engage and enjoy.

IN CHARACTER CONSEQUENCES: Role-play has role-play consequences. That is part of the concept of role-play. Actions have consequences, always. Our family laws for example are In Character laws. The city laws of your sim are In Character laws. Sim owners and even the family council expect your character to follow these laws. You are to know them and be prepared for the consequences of disregarding them. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse.

In Character Family laws and most of the important stuff is sent through the Forstander family group each time there is a new update and also posted on the website. You can ask sim owners or mods for the laws of the sim you roleplay at, look on their website or find them in the landing. Our family laws or ooc rules DO NOT override the IC laws and sim rules of your sim. Never.

HOSPITALITY: Hospitality is core to both the Turian and Northern cultures that the Great House of Forstander and most of the Minor Houses are characterized by. We advise you to offer hospitality to people visiting your sim and not drive off prospective roleplayers and good RP.


GROUP CHAT LIMITS: We don't want to hear of you bitching, criticizing, or be negative in sim group chats or the house group chat. If this happens in the Forstander group you will get one warning from a Mod, only one. A second time, you will need to assure the moderator of the chat that you will not repeat the offense. On the third time you will be forwarded to a group Forstander Admin for a final decision. This happens if a mod of your sim does not do anything about your behavior. We then have to handle it.

ALTERNATIVE CHARACTERS: Alts are permitted within the groups, so as long it causes no OOC drama. Use your alt to compliment roleplay and for major storylines. The maximimun amount of HoF related characters per roleplayer is 2. Speak with a Moderator or Admin for exceptions.

CHARACTERS: Most of the characters in the group are created by the OOC writers of the family backstory. If you ever leave the family, your character, dead or alive, it returns to the OOC writers. We control that character from that point on until it is given to new roleplayer. Once you leave your character, you no longer control it or its storylines. You no longer have any power over that character.


If you want to do anything related to the storyline of your previous HoF character, then you must speak with the OOC Admins of the family group to create a possible BTB and relevant plot line that would relate your new character to rest of the HoF characters and their stories.

EXAMPLES: Victoria’s typist creates the character of Kyra Baelish, a Physician. Gavel gives it to a roleplayer. This person plays the character for a year or so until she decides she wants to leave the Forstander family or any of the other houses we have. Or this person may do something with the character that ruins the family in a way that results in a lot of occasions where OOC drama occurs from this person. Both of these examples are valid reasons to eject this person from the group and revoke their character. If the person is ejected and the character its revoked, it may be given to a new roleplayer or its storyline could be closed. The former roleplayer shall continue with their SL Gor in another family or whatever they wish to do outside of HoF.

We have had this situation happen in the past and it has been the reason while certain people are kicked. All of these cases are investigated thoroughly and they are given lots of chances but fail to appreciate the opportunities. We cannot have people in this family group that cause damage.


Once again, Roleplay is a team sport that only persists when people who think alike come to SL Gor to share the same dream: to provide the best political roleplay, challenge our limits, and develop our characters and our family every second of the game.

Please embrace these rules with common sense. We are adults. Contact another OOC group mods for questions.

HoF Theme Song #9 - GoT Winds of Winter
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