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The family council is the voting and decision-making party in all matters dealing with family law, safety, honor, and principles. They usually meet weekly or monthly in the Palace of the Three Moons to discuss concerns, family matters, companionships, births, relocation, and emergencies.


Disclaimer: Our family council in no way replaces the decisions of the High Council of your Home Stone.




Great House: House of Forstander


Familial Minor Houses (blood-related): House of Baelish, House of Vaes, House of Robur


Conjugal Minor Houses (allied through active or former Companionship): House of Vancius, House of Kazrak, House of Thorgaard, House of Mustafa, House of Horatius


Pledged Houses (sworn allies, military): House of Bladesong, House of Aurelius


Trading Minor Houses (regular alliance contract, merchant agreements): House of Solberg



What is a Minor House? How to become one?


1. Familial houses are all blood-related kin to the Forstanders, possibly sons, cousins, aunts, uncles etc.


2. Through Companionship or a contract of an alliance for political purposes. These are the houses of Conjugal Leaders that form part of the Great House due to a Companionship. Certain family ties are kept after Companionships; others may be terminated.


3. Sometimes we simply recognize houses of our far relatives and rebuild them after they have fallen for the purpose of extending the bloodlines.


4. A regular alliance contract is often times a merchant contract, or houses that ally towards a common commercial interest. These are known as trade allies. We sell each other or trade with each other.


5. Sworn allies are houses that hold no contract and simply pledged their banners and support to the Great House for warfare and military purposes.


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